Minggu, 28 Mei 2017


Assalamu’alikum Wr. Wb.

      Ladies and Gentlemen, let us jointly offer our praise and thanksgiving for the presence of God Almighty who has given us good health so that we can gather in this place.
        Ladies and Gentlemen, our nation is facing a very serious problem, namely the decline of morale among adolescents. Currently  many teenagers are already affected by the hedonistic attitude of life that assumes that people will be happy by seeking as much happiness as possible and avoiding painful feelings as much as possible. Not only that, teenagers today also have ignored the values and norms that apply in the community.

      This can be seen from the data that has been submitted by several institutions. For example, one independent institution exposes an astounding fact that 65% of teenagers today have had sexual relationships such as kisses, free sex and even same-sex relationships. Not  only that, the data released by the National Narcotics Agency is no less surprising. They released data that in 2015 drug users from among teenagers reached 79%. This number has increased about 20% from the previous year.

   Really sad, is not it?

      Ladies and gentlemen, these data are enough to prove what is happening right now. So, whether the school education, teachers and parents have a role well? Why are today many teenagers who fall into a life that is inconsistent with the values and norms prevailing in society? After examined it turns out that today's youth has lost his character as a "knight". This is due to the weakness of character education that they get, both at school and at home. Moreover, many schools today only focus on education that pursues results of "value" rather than educating children to have good character. Therefore, what we need now is character education, be it education at school and at home in order to overcome the problems that occur.

      Thank you for your kind attention to my speech. I am sorry if there is any word or my behave which unpleasing you all and to the God I beg for a forgiveness.

A fruitless life is a useless life.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

my business

 Business? The word business is familiar to us. A business is an organization that sells goods or services to the consumer for a profit. Historically the business word of the English language (business), from the basic word busy which means "busy" in the context of individuals, communities, or society. In the sense, busy doing activities and jobs that bring benefits.
Today there are so many types of businesses. Like an online business. As a student of economic education, doing business is a dream for me. I want a business that not only generates profits but also benefits others. I want to build a handicraft business. The handicrafts are made nuanced to my home region of Lampung, handicraft made from used goods that can still be processed into a material of economic value, I also plan to recruit young subjects to have hand skills and also invite housewives who can help to alleviate The burden of his family's economy.
 Handicraft in the form of miniature siger tower, elephant doll, tissue box tapis (typical cloth Lampug) and various crafts nuanced customs and culture Lampung. After the handicraft can be sold online through adolescent social media who participate in the making, so teenage gadgets are not only used for communication or selfie but also can be used to make money that can be used to buy their needs without having to ask with their parents.

Kamis, 11 Mei 2017

Expo Education

Expo of education in order to Diesnatalis of University of Tanjungpura to-58

Some booths that exist in the expo education event, among others:

1. Unit of library technical services, showing off: books, tabloids, thesis, journal, magazine, newspaper.

2. Faculty of Math and Science, showing off: animals and plants are preserved,robots, diving tools, and games.

3. Technical Language implementation Unit, showing off: training book for beginner Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Toefl books, Toefl rally, short story.

4. Student nature lovers, showing off: rock climbing tools, climbing tools, expedition items, plaques since 1990.

5. Faculty of Forestry, showing off: Specimes, herbarium, insects, woven resam, termites ( termite specimens), books of forestry, bio carbon, musical instrument(sape), traditional huting tools, ornaments from liana plants, recalls memories from other universities.

  6. American Corner, showing off: novels, magazines, books, DVDs, games, 3D pens, goods delivered directly from USA, technology for learning English.

 7. The Historical Student Association, showing off: photos of the president of Indonesia, West Kalimantan fighters, history of the establishment of Tanjungpura University, the media of learning, books on history.


8. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, showing off: books on learning and practice tools.